SD Social Studies & OSEU Unit 4

Unit 4

How Does the Inquiry Design Model (IDM) work… and How Do I Use it to Build a Lesson?

In this unit, you'll become familiar with the Inquiry Design Model lesson plan format, and begin designing your own lesson plan aligned to both the SD Social Studies standards and the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings.

SD IDM Lesson Planning page:

Unit 4: Once you've explored the IDM lesson instructions linked from above, download the template and begin building your own IDM lesson that links a SD social studies standard and one of the OSEU. On the template, you may eliminate the color-coded OSEU rows that DON'T match your lesson. If the formatting gets messed up– no problem, just download a fresh template from the link.

Within 2 weeks, complete one IDM SS & OSEU Lesson Plan and submit it in Word format to the following email address: