1851 Treaty & 1892 Agreement with Faith Spotted Eagle

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  1. What do I know about the treaties that impact Native people?  Were any of my relatives treaty signers?  How does that impact me today?
  2. What is my experience with broken promises, both promises made to me and promises I have made?
  3. What role has “blame” played in my life and relationships?  What kind of impact has it had?
  4. Are there things that I am in denial about in my life?  Am I prepared to deal with them?  Do I have a plan for dealing with them?
  5. What role has “forgiveness” played in my life and relationships?  What kind of impact has it had?
  6. Are there any things that I have felt like the“steward” or “keeper” of that were taken from me?  How did I deal with this?
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